Pillar Five says:
- The more you talk about your condition, the more you feed your subconscious mind, YOU are telling it SOMETHING IS WRONG!
A great example that was used is of a time you may have had a failed relationship. You keep talking about that person, thinking about that person, FEEDING the problem. You notice once you learn to stop thinking about it, the pain goes away. He says once you find someone to replace your EX, as an example, all of a sudden it's easier to forget about them. You've changed focus. There are many similar situations but the key is to use whatever works best for you to AVOID the condition, until your mind has trained enough to let it go and replace it with a better thought.
In other news, I feel like I have been doing better. Part of it may have been the Linden Method, GOD willing. But also, it has prompted me to keep myself busy. I've joined some discussion forums which help me keep my mind busy. I might play a game or watch cartoons to stay busy as well. The past couple days I asked my girlfriend to text me once she arrived at work (keep in mind her apartment is half a mile from work), and she forgot to text me until later that night but, thank GOD, I did not panic. I told myself that I would wait. I said I would give it a couple hours and wait for the text, and as much as my mind WANTED to doubt it would come, I stayed away from that thought, and sure enough, it came much earlier than expected. I need to learn to trust GOD, trust life, trust the way things go. Gradually I feel that I will move on GOD willing :)